原產地: 意大利
商品特色介紹: 來自於世界知名的義大利摩德納區域內,標榜高純度黑葡萄香醋,置橡木桶中釀造,成就口感香醇的巴薩米克醋,不添加增稠劑及色素,酸甜口感交織的完美平衡,並榮獲PGI認證。適用於麵包沾醬,也可搭配各式料理或沙拉調味。
全素, 不含麩質,不含雞蛋 。 與麵包,餅乾或麵包棒一起吃。
Country of Origin: Italy
Product Details: From the world-renowned Italian region of Modena, prides itself on high-purity black grape vinegar, home brewing oak, mellow taste achievements of Basamike vinegar, not adding a thickening agent and pigment, sweet and sour taste interwoven perfect balance, and won the PGI certification. Suitable for bread sauce, also can be used with all kinds of food or salad dressing.
Vegan, Gluten Free, Egg Free. Put on bread, biscuit or grissini.
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